In our quest to discover your little one’s passions and natural abilities, the curriculum implemented at the BCC Campus encompasses every facet of Reddam life. Working with the guidelines of the Independent Examination Board (IEB) and Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) as a framework, many layers are added including Singapore Mathematics, Languages, Arts and Culture, Physical Education, Computers, Life Skills and a large variety of extra-mural activities, both Sporting and Cultural. It is designed to offer an exposure to a wide range of subjects, developing the full variety of skills vital for a holistic approach to education.
Welcome to Reddam House BCC Campus, home of our Junior Preparatory and Early Learning School, a vibrant co-educational environment where we bring out the best in the students in our care. This campus provides a high quality, fully rounded education to boys and girls from Stage 1 (toddlers) in the Early Learning School to Grade 3, to make for a happy, warm and supportive learning environment. Here little ones are nurtured and guided gently into a world of discovery creating a springboard for a happy schooling journey.
At Reddam House we pursue standards of excellence and instill in our students a sense of pride, responsibility, honesty and integrity. The excellent standards we maintain in developing young lives is our investment in the future as we believe that education is the catalyst for personal growth, development and achievement. Reddam’s academic curriculum is developed within the guidelines of the Independent Examination Board (IEB) while adequately complying with the requirements of the Gauteng Education Department (GED). It is designed to offer an exposure to a wide range of subjects, developing the full variety of skills vital for a holistic approach to education. The aim of the Senior Preparatory Phase (Grades 4 to 7) is to provide a broad academic foundation at the appropriate standard and to start preparing students for the subjects that they will ultimately take in Grades 8 to 12. All students study: English Second Language (Zulu or Afrikaans) Drama Art Music Mathematics Science Life Skills Media History Geography Technology Computer Literacy In addition there are the following option subjects: French Portuguese Italian Ecology Music (an additional cost applies) Dance Sports Science Sound Engineering (Grade 7 students only) Bible studies Jewish studies Moral studies Catechism
The opportunity to educate other people's children is a rare privilege, bringing with it a huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young people for happiness and success in their adult lives. At Reddam, Bedfordview we take this responsibility extremely seriously. We care about the individual and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our students feel valued.
School should be fun and happy children are more likely to be successful. We see it as our responsibility to bring out our students’ talents, to broaden their interests and to develop their personal qualities. To do this we aim to foster confidence, perseverance, tolerance and integrity; to enhance communication skills; to embrace creativity; to encourage teamwork; and to promote an open-minded and outward-looking mentality so that students are ready to make a really positive contribution to their wider community.